Code of Conduct

Running our business with integrity. That's the power of the Pack.

Earning trust and credibility is an honorable, ongoing pursuit.

At WolfPack, we believe ethical behavior is fundamental for the success of any business. That’s why we’ve developed thoughtful Business Codes of Conduct and Ethics that guide our decision-making and behavior as an organization.

Representing our commitment to honesty, integrity and fairness, these Codes are designed not only to help us earn – but also to maintain – lasting trust and credibility. They apply to all our employees, contractors, investors, vendors, business partners and customers across the United States and Canada. We’re proud to be part of a community of organizations committed to ethical business practices.

Our Business Codes of Conduct and Ethics are based on three distinct pillars of integrity:

  • We hold each other accountable.
  • We work together.
  • We believe every voice matters.

“In every endeavor, integrity and honesty are the foundational components of success. Dishonesty has no place at WolfPack. Even the slightest deviation from these simple truths is unacceptable.”

We hold each other accountable.

Integrity is the result of ethical decisions we make and positive actions we take every day. It’s our collective responsibility to know, support and follow WolfPack’s Business Codes of Conduct and Ethics.

Upholding ethical business practices means knowing how we’re expected to operate and where to go when the path forward is unclear. Following a few simple steps will help keep you on track.

  • Represent our Mission and Values.
  • Follow our Business Codes of Conduct.
  • If you’re unsure, ask.
  • Share your concerns.

We work together.

Our Mission is built around an essential, non-negotiable aspect of conducting business: working as a unified team. To support our mission, we’ve outlined meaningful, tangible values to achieve excellence in everything we do. We collaborate closely with our business partners to protect and preserve the environment while promoting positive contributions to the communities where we live and work.

Please visit About to become familiar with WolfPack’s Mission and Values, and visit ESG/QHSE to learn more about our sustainability commitment.

We believe every voice matters.

Endeavoring to do the right thing means speaking up if you suspect misconduct. “Misconduct” would be categorized as anything that goes against WolfPack’s Mission, Values and Business Codes of Conduct and Ethics. Though it isn’t always easy to report an issue, speaking up and sharing your concerns is the only way we’ll maintain our momentum of integrity in everything we do.

For ethics questions, please contact Human Resources.

To share a concern, please complete and submit the Ethics Concern form.

10 unique principles, united for a singular purpose.

WolfPack supports the sustainability business practices established by the United Nations. View The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact for more information.

WolfPack Business Code of Conduct and Ethics

As an equipment rental and services company that serves the oil and gas, construction, events and other industries, WolfPack believes maintaining high standards of conduct is crucial to building strong relationships. We value the reputation we have earned for operating according to ethical and responsible business practices.

This Code serves as a guide for all employees, contractors, investors, business partners and customers to help us uphold our commitment to integrity, transparency and ethical behavior in all aspects of our operations.

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations: We comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to our industry – including labor laws and health, safety and environmental regulations.
  2. Ethical business practices: We conduct all business in an ethical and honest manner, free from unethical or corrupt practices. We do not engage in bribery, kickbacks or any other form of corruption.
  3. Protection of company assets: We protect the company’s assets, including equipment, intellectual property and confidential information. We do not use company assets for personal gain.
  4. Respect for human rights and dignity: We respect the human rights and dignity of all individuals, including employees, customers and suppliers. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment or abuse.
  5. Environmental responsibility: We conduct our business in an environmentally responsible manner and will take steps to minimize our impact on the environment. We comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
  6. Personal safety: We prioritize the safety of our employees, customers and the general public, provide a safe working environment and will comply with all applicable health and safety regulations.
  7. Fair competition: We compete fairly in the marketplace and do not engage in anti-competitive behavior, price-fixing, market allocation or any other practices that restrict competition.
  8. Transparency and disclosure: We maintain accurate and transparent records, provide timely and accurate information to our stakeholders, and comply with all applicable financial reporting and disclosure requirements.
  9. Reporting of ethical violations: We encourage all employees, contractors, investors, business partners and customers to report any ethical violations, including violations of this Code. We investigate all reports of ethical violations and take appropriate action as necessary.

This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics reflects our commitment to ethical and responsible business practices. We are all expected to uphold these standards in every aspect of our work and to represent the company with integrity and professionalism.

To report a concern, please complete and submit the Ethics Concern form.

WolfPack Supplier Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

As an equipment rental and services company that serves the oil and gas, construction, events and other industries, we believe strong business relationships are built on mutual trust and respect – and we’re committed to maintaining the highest standards of business conduct and ethics. We expect our suppliers and vendors to share our commitment to integrity, transparency and ethical behavior.

This Supplier Code of Business Conduct and Ethics serves as a guide to help us ensure our suppliers meet these standards.

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations: We require our suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to their products and services – including labor laws and health, safety and environmental regulations.
  2. Ethical business practices: We expect our suppliers to conduct business in an ethical and honest manner, free from unethical or corrupt practices with honesty, integrity and transparency in all business dealings. This includes avoiding conflicts of interest, refraining from bribery and corruption, and maintaining accurate and truthful records.
  3. Quality and safety: We require our suppliers to provide products and services that meet our quality and safety standards and comply with all relevant industry standards and regulations. We expect our suppliers to prioritize safety and take appropriate safety measures in their work.
  4. Environmental responsibility: We’re committed to minimizing the environmental impact of our operations and expect our suppliers to act in an environmentally responsible manner. This includes complying with environmental regulations and minimizing waste and pollution.
  5. Respect for human rights and dignity: We value diversity and inclusion and expect our suppliers to respect the human rights and dignity of all individuals. This includes avoiding discrimination and harassment and fostering a workplace that is free from fear and intimidation.
  6. Fair competition: We believe in fair competition and expect our suppliers to act in accordance with antitrust and fair competition laws. This includes avoiding collusion, price-fixing and market allocation.
  7. Confidentiality and intellectual property: We require our suppliers to protect our confidential information and intellectual property and to use them only for authorized purposes. We expect our suppliers to maintain the confidentiality of any information related to our business.
  8. Reporting of ethical violations: We encourage our suppliers to report any suspected ethical violations, including violations of this Supplier Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. We investigate all reports of ethical violations and take appropriate action as needed.

WolfPack values the business relationships with our suppliers, and we appreciate their ongoing efforts to uphold ethical and responsible business practices. By working together, we can achieve mutual success and contribute to a sustainable, socially responsible business community.

To report a concern, please complete and submit the Ethics Concern form.

Ethics Concern Form